Saturday, June 6, 2009

Relaxation...kind of

Ah finally, a day to relax…kind of. Ha, we were able to catch up on some of our computer work today. We went up to the Strean’s house as they are the only ones at the camp that have electricity to do our laundry and upload some stuff on the internet. We had to get all of our laundry done because we are going to be staying at the casona for the next several days as we’ll be ministering in the zones of San Salvador.

After lunch we went to the young adult service that Jacob is pasturing right now. He had Dan speak since this will be his last Saturday here. Dan has been serving as an intern for the last four months and is an incredible servant. God has really used him as he has been working with our first year master’s commission group up in Potrerillos, just up the side of the mountain. He has formed great relationships with several of the families and children up there and has even formed a coffee group (bible study and devotion group) up there. He has also been a great addition to our intern team as we’ve been out ministering. He has done the ministry portion of many of our programs and he just has a great spirit about him that attracts children and adults alike.

Anyhow, he spoke about accountability partners and how important they are to the Christian walk. I think that we as human beings have a hard time keeping the promises that we make to God, so in order to not break more promises, we just don’t make them. In reality though, if we just asked for the help of an accountability partner, we would be able to form the good habits that we should be making. However, many times because of our own pride and arrogance, we don’t want to admit to anyone that we have weaknesses and we need help with certain areas of our lives. We all do though. We’re humans. We’re weak and we’re frail. The Bible says though that through our weaknesses, He is made strong. We need to remember that. Dan spoke an amazing message and I think it really touched a lot of hearts.

The amazing thing is that come to find out, that was Dan’s first time EVER preaching and it was in Spanish! Wow! God has a call on that young man’s life! I can’t wait to see what he does.

Well, we have a long day tomorrow with church and programs, so I’m getting to bed!


Unknown said...

Lisa-I am so in awe of you and your husband for doing this on the behalf of all Christians who cant get away that you are willing to share the gospel for us even wehn the situation could be dire. Rhonda and I miss you but we are so in awe that we had the opportunity to work with you=blessings because you are serving a great God!!! Christa