Thursday, June 11, 2009

First contact

When I first watched the documentaries of the Salvadoran gangs I was moved with compassion and brokenness, desiring to change a culture. Recently, Lisa and I had our first encounter with the gangs of El Salvador. After a few days of intensive training and prayer with the 23 summer interns, we left for San Salvador for a week of ministry. On Monday, June 8, we were working David Gamez, pastor of Zone 1 in San Salvador, and we entered into MS-13 turf. We walked back into the heart of a neighborhood, walls marred by gang ensignia, and made our way to a small concrete court, occupied by some rough looking teenagers. Who knows what exactly their names are or what they have done, but the tatooed leader clearly stands out, cell phone hanging from a strap on his arm, cigarette smoking from his lips. Naun, the national assigned to work with the interns this summer, walks up to the leader and in a conversation too distant to understand obtains permission for us to use the court for our program. Let me say first that I'm amazed at how God works. Here we have hardened criminals who could just as easily shoot us as let us stay and somehow we have the respect and permission to share the Gospel. Not only could we stay, but they found power for us and allowed us to use one of the barrels they were using for chairs for our dramas. No power of darkness can withstand the piercing light of the Gospel!

As the lively music begins to pound from our speakers, children come out to see what this group of gringos is doing in their dangerous barrio. 35 gang members sit around the court, smoking, laughing, gambling, shades covering bloodshot eyes. Children come and play, and as the program begins they watch intently as we dance and sing, playing games and acting silly to draw their attention and make a connection with their young, innocent hearts. The program transitions from funny to serious, as Naun takes the mic and begins to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The group beings the ministry drama, "The Hammer", telling the story of a Roman soldier who nailed Christ to the cross, ending with the proclamation that we are responsible for His death, that our sins and transgressions are the nails that fastened the dying Messiah to the cross of atonement. Naun takes the mic and pours out his heart, admonishing the people that there are only two roads in life, the Way of Life and the Way of Death. As he speaks, anointed by the Holy Spirit of God, the gang members stop and watch intently. The Gospel was being planted in the cold, stony hearts of criminals, thieves, murderers, pimps, and addicts, as were many of us, and though they may not have responded by running to accept salvation like many of the children did, we know that the seed has been planted and as Isaiah 55 states, "As the rain and snow don't fall without saturating the earth, germinating seed and causing it to sprout, providing seed for the sower and food for the farmer, so the Word of God doesn't go out in vain, but ALWAYS accomplished the purpose and plan for which it was sent." 

That same day we were able to minister in another area, on a similar concrete court that served as the dividing line between 18th St. and MS-13, the line of blood in the sand between life and death. This was a neighborhood so bad the cops patrolled regularly, especially with the appearance of North Americans; however, once again the Power of the Gospel prevailed. As we began playing music and games, a teenager approached Pastor David, apparently the leader of the gang in this area, and informed him that the gang wanted to come watch, but couldn't because of the presence of the cops. Even though they weren't present, they watched from windows and listened from their doors. Once again, the Gospel doesn't go out in vain, because it is "the POWER of God for the salvation of all who believe, first for the Jew and then for the Gentile (or gang member, murderer, addict, pimp, thief, accountant, student, teacher, banker, mechanic, etc.)"

The battle has begun...a battle that will end in victory, no matter what the enemy may throw our way!


Summers Family said...

amazing what God is doing through you guys! Thanks for sharing.
Bridget Summers