Monday, October 26, 2009


We started our week of missiology classes from AGTS today. We sit in class all morning long and have two hours of spanish in the afternoons. DeLonn Rance is teaching our class. It's been pretty interesting. The most interesting aspect today was when we talked about the new phenomenon occuring in the states right now of Christian vs. Christ Follower. If you're interested in it, look up the Mac vs. PC parody videos on youtube of Christian vs. Christ Follower. They are pretty funny and show what the new wave of change is all about.

Although I lean more toward the Christ Follower way of life, I still call myself a Christian. In all honesty, isn't that what Christian means anyhow...follower of Christ? I could care less if a person dresses up for service or if they have service Saturday evening or Sunday night. I could care less if they have bumper stickers on their car nor if they only listen to Christian music. What really matters to me is if they are following what the Holy Spirit is speaking to them, if they have a relationship with Christ and if they are trying to develop relationships and share the love and word of God. THAT is what is important in my eyes. Non of us are perfect and we need to live our lives the best we can, however it's important for people to see us as real people and not perfect robots that live by a book of rules.

Anyhow, not to get on a soapbox but I laughed because with my background and my age, I am more liberal than possibly some of the other missionaries around and I could tell that this movement bothered some other people. It's just the way I feel and think and have never had any convictions about these issues.

I'm hoping to learn a lot more. Josh is absolutely LOVING this class and is now bugging me about getting his doctorate. He is an education nut and really loves learning, especially about apologetics, culture, missions, and theology. However, at this time we just simply cannot afford it and we're still trying to pay off some of our debt. I told him once that was gone, we'd think about it. He's pretty excited though! :)

Anyhow, I'm going to enjoy having a few days without homework. Hopefully I'll be updating some more throughout the week.