Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Schmaloween

So, Hiedi, Preston, and their little dog, Cusco, all arrived safely just BEFORE midnight last night. Praise the Lord! We got them settled and then passed out. Today I woke up and got onto facebook and saw about 1,000,000,001 status updates about Halloween and realized, "Oh, yeah. Today's Halloween!" Haha. Although you can buy pumpkins, costumes, and huge bags of candy here. Halloween isn't their custom or tradition, so it's just not celebrated (with the exception of some bars and night clubs). We took Heidi and Preston to the feria with us, then to Pricemart (which is like a Sam's Club), and then drug them to Automercado to finish out the morning of shopping. We did stop in the middle for some sushi at one of our favorite sushi places. It was delish!

Needless to say, after a morning of shopping, we took a couple hours to clean up the fruits and veggies and relax a little before heading downtown. We wanted to show them how to get down there so they can go explore Monday morning if they want. We took them to our favorite coffee shop and they bought a total of 4 pounds of some of the best coffee and some chocolate covered coffee beans for just under $20. You can't beat that!

Anyhow, it was a good day and they seem to be happy just wandering around doing errands with us! :)