Tuesday, January 20, 2009

All-Star Acoustic Jam

I grew up on country music. Sometimes, I turn it on just to remember my childhood and that downhome country feel to life. The rest of my family listens to country music constantly and would be able to spout off the names of the hottest artist in 2 seconds flat. I can't. I wouldn't even be able to tell you the names of most actors. I might recognize a face, but past that, they are just like every other average Joe I see in a day. Anyhow, my cousin, Tarah, invited me to go with her again this year to the All Star Acoustic Jam which a local country station puts on each year and the proceeds from all the tickets goes to the Ronald McDonald House. Well, I figured this was a prime opportunity to work on some photography skills and here are just a few of the pictures. There are many more on facebook.