Tuesday, March 18, 2008

One man's junk is another man's treasure - Photo

I just held a garage sale/outreach at my church this Saturday. We had free water, a bounce house and face painting for the kids (although many BIG kids used it too), sold hotdogs and sodas, and a ton of families brought all their unneeded items to sell. 10% of all proceeds went towards meeting my goal and 100% of proceeds from the food and drinks sale as well. The youth raised over $250 doing a car wash for their puppet/drama ministry. It was a great day and we raised a ton of money! We raised approximately $330 towards getting me to El Salvador. I sold a ton of clothes, games, dishes, and other items I had collected through the past couple years that I just can't afford to take with me. It would be cheaper to buy them in El Salvador than to try to ship what I already have in suitcases.

We also gave salvation bookmarks to all the people that came out and thought it would be a good way to promote ourselves within our own community. People don't typically just walk into a church because they are afraid to. If you make friends with them first and they can see Christ through the way you live and serve, then they are more likely to feel comfortable enough to come to a church service. We can't expect people to come to the church, the church needs to go to the people. After all, isn't that what Jesus did? Did he wait in the temple and expect people to come to him? No. In fact, he went out and sought people to help and to teach, but he did this first by befriending them.

Anyhow, it was a great time had by all and we are looking forward to doing another yard sale soon and probably even a Fall Festival in early October. I'm really excited for my church and the things the Lord has in store for us all!