Monday, March 10, 2008

Let's go play in the SNOW! - Photos

So, I just got back from a ski trip to Blowing Rock, NC with my family. It was a great to share some time with my Uncle Bill, Aunt Mary, and cousin Tarah! This was my first time skiing and only second time ever seeing snow. Yes, I know...I'm 24 and going skiing for the first time. However, Tarah was sweet enough to stay on the bunny slope with me the whole time. My first time on skis was....interesting. I got into them great, then as soon as I started to move, BOOM! Yeah, I landed on my booty and couldn't get up until a ski instructor came by and put one ski over the top of my two skis and helped me up, a trick that came in handy that day! :) Of course, the first day everytime I got off the ski lift, I fell on my face. It was fun though. AND the first time I started down the slope, I almost Sonny Bono'ed it! I was yelling "PIZZA!" which if you try to slow down and point toward eachother (like a pizza slice) you're supposed to slow down. I didn't. :) I came inches from a tree to the face. When I finally caught my breath, I looked back to see my aunt and my cousin cackling at me! It was a good time.

I finally got the hang of skiing and could make it down the bunny slope without falling and the next day could even make it off the lift without falling. I felt accomplished! Tarah and I decided to give tubing a try one morning. It was so warm that we had to take off many of our layers and I went tubing in just some pants and a tank top. It was a ton of fun though! We had races and even bulldozed through a few people. Ooops.
Also, I officially started to date a guy I met in October at Pre-field Orientation. His name is Josh Sears and he's worked with King's Castle before. I met him through a mutual friend, Jacob. They had worked together as interns in 2002 and of course Jacob and I have worked together the past couple of years. The three of us hung out all the time while in Springfield and Josh and I have kept in contact since then. Anyhow, we just made it official right before this trip! He's a man of God and you can check out his website and ministry here.

Here are some of the pictures from that trip: