Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sometimes He amazes me!

The last two weeks have been something else. Last Thursday, I went to the Speed the Light (STL) lunch for our section and got to catch up with old friends, youth pastors, and got to meet Tom Greene, as he was the guest speaker.

I got to hear not only about how our own youth and children are getting involved in missions by fundraising and tithing to STL, but also about what our missionaries are able to do through their compassionate giving! It made me think back to previous summers at King's Castle and all that we do with STL equipment.

All of the fender sound systems, at least 6 evangelism trucks, most of the communications equipment, Brother Don's vehicle, the Kenyon's vehicle, and a mule used in Nicaragua were all bought with STL giving. That's just what I know about. I'm sure there's more. Through the North American's youth giving, people are able to hear the gospel in schools, street corners, churches, and anywhere and everywhere we set up a sound system. Through their giving, they can come down on missions trips and help SHARE the gospel. Through their giving, we are able to capture on tape, edit a video, and send these youth back to the United States filled with a passion for missions and a video to share about their week in El Salvador. Through their giving, we are able to go into the roughest terrained areas, where cars can't make it, but mules can to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of their giving, missionaries are able to get to one side of the country for one event, and still make it to the other side of the country for another event the same day! Through their giving, we are able to spread the gospel on every street we drive through with the evangelism trucks that are required to be playing evangelism material everywhere they are taken. Tracts are given out at stop lights, to people on buses as they pass by, and the everlasting Word is being shared by loud speakers as they pass through the streets! PRAISE GOD FOR STL! If it weren't for our youth hearing the voice of God, giving faithfully and generously to missions, where would we, as missionaries, be?

Needless to say, God has really been speaking to me about the power and faith of the youth and children the last few months. It's just so awesome to see the faith of youth and the power that that faith has!

Praise God, I have continually been picking up support from one place or another and booking churches here and there to share my passion about missions with those around me and to hopefully get me to El Salvador in May. Just about my entire February is booked up and super busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way! I'm just thrilled to have the chance to share with others what has been so deeply penetrated in me.

Please continue to pray with me as I speak to churches, kids, youth groups, etc. to share my heart. Pray for annointing to flow from my mouth. Pray that my words are a blessing and just what someone needs to hear that day. Pray that my funds come in quickly, as time is growing short. Please pray that I get even more opportunities to speak and that my schedule quickly fills up before I leave. Pray for the World Warriors, that God is raising up the specific people he wants on the team and opening the doors for them to come, that they will be filled with the Holy Spirit and filled with annointing, that they will be changing the lives of those around them, and that they themselves be changed into what God is pleased with! Please let me know what I can be praying for you, so that I can stand in agreement with you.

There is more that I would like to share about World Warriors, but time is short and I need to be going. I will write soon with my thoughts, hopes, desires, and asperations for World Warriors this summer, 2008! Until then...

Be Blessed!

In His service until He returns,
Lisa Casady

Monday, January 14, 2008

Thank God for Open Doors!

So, Thursday I went to Life Assembly in Kissimmee for a pastor's section meeting. Due to prior commitments, my own pastors were unable to go, so as I arrived, I started to chat with the other pastors right away. I went upstairs and was scoping out a table to sit at for lunch when all of a sudden I hear, "Lisa!"

I turned around to find Robert Martin, a good friend from high school and now traveling evangelist, sitting with a pastor that happens to be the husband of one of our old teachers. I joined his table and started to catch up with him. It was a definite unexpected surprise and it was good to see him again. If anyone would be interested in having him come speak, I'll be happy to give you his info!

Anyhow, I had sent out letters about a week before to all of the churches in my section, so when I got in line for food, I happen to be right behind Pastor Eugene Smith from City Church, who recognized me right away. He invited me to come speak at both services on February 3rd and the Children's Pastor, Pastor Dan, told me that the children's church would pick me up monthly and I could come speak at both of their services as well! Praise GOD! I also got the opportunity to speak at the Pastor's meeting and will be speaking at Life Assembly on May 4th!

Several other churches said they would be picking me up or be in contact with me. After the meeting I spoke with Pastor Matt Engle from Faith Assembly about the upcoming Speed the Light luncheon and will be attending that as well! I'm just SO excited to have so many opportunities to share my calling, spread the passions of missions, and be around other missions-minded people!

A good friend of mine, Pastor Eric Pio from Madison First in Indiana, will be here at the end of this month and I look forward to seeing him and some of his youth that are coming to College Days at Southeastern University. The 13th of February I have an entire Wednesday night that I will be speaking at during missions week at Calvary Assembly. Also, my home church, Trinity Assembly will be celebrating the dedication of our new sanctuary on February 10th!

Please be in prayer with me that God just continues to open the doors and that there is anointing over me in the services that I share in. Thanks for all of your prayer support and standing beside me!

Friday, January 11, 2008

It has begun... - Photos

Hello all,

I created this blog so that supporters and friends could keep up to date with what God's doing in my life and the lives of others as I begin my missionary adventure through fundraising, ministering, and following the call of God on my life. Please feel free to comment and let me know what you are doing as well! God bless!